Call for proposals “Routes to Synergies”



Call reference number: DIGIT.2.2.02
Call version: To be published later.
Funding source: DIGIT Project
Type of call: Temporary open – one stage submission 
Status: Forthcoming
Publication date: To be published later.
Start date for project application submission: To be published later.
Deadline for project application submission: To be published later.
Responsible authority: Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth

Subject of this call:

The subject of the call is to prepare consortia for successful participation in Horizon Europe calls by enhancing their competitiveness through activities such as capacity building, project preparation, and visibility of research infrastructure. The call supports initiatives that build research and innovation (R&I) capacities, improve consortia’s international competitiveness, and facilitate the integration of Croatian research organizations into European networks. Projects should include activities like staff training in non-scientific skills, promoting infrastructure, and conducting feasibility studies to strengthen project proposals for Horizon Europe​.

Total grant funding available: €3,000,000.00
Minimum grant amount: €20,000.00
Maximum grant amount: €100,000.00

Eligible applicants for this call: Research organizations

Documentation of this call: To be published later.

Signed grant agreements: To be published later.