Call for proposals “Seal of Excellence under the Synergies program”

Datum objave

30.12.2024. 12:00

Početak zaprimanja

31.1.2025. 09:00

Rok za prijave

31.12.2026. 16:00



1. If a project submitted under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA PF) Call includes a “Non-academic placement” phase that takes place after the initial duration of the PF and this phase is part of the project proposal evaluated as such, are these costs covered under this Call?

The project proposal is acceptable in the form in which it was submitted and evaluated under the Horizon Europe Call. In the case of MSCA PF, this includes the “Non-academic placement” phase. Applicants must submit the same project proposal with the planned costs that were evaluated and for which the Seal of Excellence certificate was awarded.

2. We received a Seal of Excellence certificate for my MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship project proposal, where our host institution was originally based in another country. Can we still apply to the Call for proposals Seal of Excellence under the Synergies Program if we change our host institution to one in Croatia?

As stated in the Call, applicants must submit their project proposal exactly as it was submitted to the Horizon Europe MSCA PF or ERC PoC Grant call, without modifications. This includes the same host institution as in the original application for which the Seal of Excellence was awarded.

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