Research, technology, and innovation infrastructure projects

The DIGIT Project will invest in the modernization and upgrade of research infrastructure, in line with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3), and the Research Infrastructure Development Roadmap of the Republic of Croatia 2023-2027 (Roadmap). The S3 acknowledges that Croatia has to continue with large-scale investments in modern infrastructures, which amounted to around EUR 358 million in the period 2016-2020, and increase investments in applied research, which would create links between science and the business sector to collaborate in the development of innovations and enable their collaboration. 

The potential of collaborative R&D is limited by outdated infrastructure, especially the one aimed at industrial research, experimental development, and testing/certification. The DIGIT Project aims to address these gaps by supporting the modernization and upgrade of access to quality equipment and research infrastructure that holds strategic importance and high research potential. The selection of infrastructure projects will consider a set of non-exclusive criteria, including contribution to digital transformation and green transition, demand from the business sector, performance-based funding reform, and lagging region development. 

This investment is planned to have a synergistic effect with investments financed through the NRRP and aligns with the strategic objectives of the S3 and the Roadmap. The overall goal of the DIGIT Project is to strengthen the capacity of strategically significant research infrastructure that directly supports the development of human resources for scientific research and collaboration with the private sector. Particular emphasis will be placed on clean technologies and advancing the green and digital transitions. The anticipated outcomes are aligned with the objectives of NRRP subcomponent C3.2, which include enhancing research capacities and promoting innovation.