Access to information
The right to access information is a citizen’s right guaranteed by international and national laws and documents. Its realization includes the obligation of public authorities to publish information independently of a specific request (known as the proactive approach) and the possibility of accessing information through user requests (known as the reactive approach). Moreover, it represents an extremely important tool for achieving transparency in the operations and decision-making of public authorities at all levels, strengthening accountability, and combating corruption.
Closely related to the right to access information is the reuse of information, which enhances the right to access since the information held by public authorities must be available, in a specific format, and of a certain quality before it can be reused for purposes other than those for which it was originally created. The reuse of information arose from the need to exploit the economic and other potentials of information that public authorities collect and process within their specific scope of work or jobs commonly considered public duties.
If you wish to access the information you need, you can exercise your right in the following ways:
- in writing to the address: Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth, Donje Svetice 38, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
- via email:
- by phone at: +385 1 4594 341
- in person at the address Donje Svetice 38 on weekdays from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
The right to access information and the reuse of information is exercised in accordance with the Act on the Right of Access to Information (Official Gazette No. 25/13, 85/15 i 69/22).
The right to access and reuse information is exercised by submitting a request to the Ministry of Science and Education, to the Information Officer.
Contact Information:
Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth
Donje Svetice 38, 10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 4594 161
Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) is established for receiving and facilitating the resolution of complaints and concerns presented by project applicants, beneficiaries, and any individuals, groups, or communities who feel affected or interested, or feel that they may be affected or interested in the activities of the projects and the DIGIT Project.
The GRM is available by using a dedicated e-mail address: or to receive potential complaints or to report on occurred (or noticed) incidents. The GRM allows anonymous complaints to be raised and addressed, as this is in accordance with Croatian law. Information on GRM will be communicated on the DIGIT Project’s website and through its various communication materials, including on-site information boards and posters at the construction sites and in the facilities comprised under the project. The CSF and Contractor will have their own GRM email address for grievances.