Synergies program
This Program is divided into 2 sub-programs:
1. Seal of Excellence
This subprogram funds high-quality, top-tier projects that have received the Seal of Excellence for project proposals submitted under the following Horizon Europe calls:
- European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept Grants which aims to facilitate the exploration of the commercial and societal innovation potential of research previously funded by the ERC. Therefore, ERC PoC Grants funding is available only to those Principle investigators who have already received one of the ERC financial grants (so-called Starting grants, Consolidator grants, Advanced grants, Synergy grants), and to further research the idea that developed during the implementation of the ERC financial grant. Funding through the ERC PoC Grant competition is therefore not aimed at expanding the original research idea, but covers activities in the early phase of turning research results into a commercial or socially valuable proposal, for example, the initial steps that precede commercial development.
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF) which help researchers gain research experience in other countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors. The aim is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The PF action targets researchers holding a Ph.D., who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills and develop their careers.
By extending financing to R&D projects with the Seal of excellence, the Sub-program will complement the existing Horizon Europe program, expand the net of beneficiaries, amplify the chances of funding cutting-edge domestic research and innovation, and create more interest in this highly competitive program. The financing may also assist Croatia in achieving strategic outcomes relevant to the green transition.
2. Routes to Synergies
This sub-program provides support to Croatian applicants who received funding from ERDF or RRF for R&I. The goal is to move formerly single beneficiaries of regional funding programs out of isolation via cross-border collaboration and to prepare them for successful participation in Horizon Europe calls by strengthening their competitiveness through a customized bunch of activities.
The Program gives a strategic approach to addressing the funding and integration challenges that ROs and firms face in securing Horizon funding. By aligning with European efforts and potentially complementing existing funding mechanisms, the Routes to Synergies sub-program seeks to amplify Croatia’s research and innovation capabilities, thereby contributing to the green transition and fostering economic growth. It serves as a strategic investment in elevating the country’s research profile and competitiveness on the European stage, showcasing a commitment to supporting excellence and innovation.