First National Knowledge Valorization Day organized by the Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth

Events 14.6.2024.

On June 4, 2024, the first National Knowledge Valorization Day was held, organized by the Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth, as part of the awareness-raising campaign on knowledge valorization launched by the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission “Tour de Capitales – Αwareness raising campaign on knowledge valorization.” The campaign includes a series of events and conferences in the capitals of the member states, in the context of information and awareness of European research and innovation ecosystems.

The aim of the conference dedicated to knowledge valorization is to familiarize with the latest developments in knowledge valorization policies and transformations of research and innovation into social and economic purposes. The Director of the Science and Technology Administration, Dr. Hrvoje Meštrić, gave a welcoming speech to a large audience, once again emphasizing the importance of technology transfer and knowledge valorization for the development of innovations and the economy. The Deputy Director-General of the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission, Ms. Signe Ratso, also gave a welcoming speech, thus acknowledging the Ministry for its initiatives that follow European and global trends for the development of the innovation ecosystem.

Along with Director Meštrić and Deputy Director-General Ratso, various speakers from the business and scientific sectors gave presentations and participated in a panel discussion in the first part of the conference, contributing to a constructive discussion, and two workshops dedicated to strengthening skills and capacities for knowledge valorization and promoting strong cooperation in knowledge valorization were held in the second part of the day.

Presentations from the first National Knowledge Valorization Day organized by the Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth can be downloaded here: